Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Parenting

Tips for Moms Looking to Start their own Business this New Year

This 2018, just do it! Don’t even think about it. It’s going to be tough, but you knew that. Just imagine a hectic nightmare with coffee, meetings and diapers in the beginning, but the end product can be a strong business owner able to have her own schedule and be involved in their children’s development.

Business owner mommies are known for one main common characteristic, ready?

The capacity of being able to M-U-L-T-I-T-A-S-K!

When it comes to having success in business, there are many different things that can be integral factors. Hollywood Learning Centers put together 3 advices for our mommies thinking of starting their own business:

1) Find What Motivates You:

If you are going to be crazy enough to add a business to your already hectic mother schedule, then it should be something you absolutely love. The thing you loved doing during your free time. Do you even know what that is? If you don’t remember, picture waking up one day with nothing to do. You get up, make yourself a cup a coffee and then to do what…? Well, whatever that is, that’s your business.

If you image yourself changing into gym clothes to work out, then research what business are on demand in the world of fitness. If you see yourself going to the mall, is there a product you see yourself designing or creating yourself? If you love interactions with others, is there a service you could provide with your God-given talents or is there something that doesn’t exist that you wish you could create?

I mean, the possibilities are endless.

2) Create a System that Works

Processes are real. They dictate the way we do things and why we do them. If you have a strong support system at home, take time figuring out when would it be best to work.

Husbands, friends, siblings can help in the process. Schools, aftercare programs and reliable childcare institutions like Hollywood Learning Center, for example, is open 7 AM to 6 PM, which works great for hard-working mothers. A schedule will vary from family to family. Also there are so many free automotive business softwares to help free your time; whether you are looking to invoice, account management, budgeting, social media marketing, email marketing, etc.

3) Ditch Bad Associations

We don’t have that much time anyways. However, if we do decided to keep friends around, make sure to surround yourself with people who will uplift and contribute to where you’re headed. Entrepreneur mommies need all the cheering and motivation possible. Avoid negativity, jealousy and others who don’t believe you are capable.

Many entrepreneurs involve family members in the process, why not? Involve the children or your significant other. They can help decide which route to take, business’ naming, logos’ colors, etc. Make them part of the journey.

And bring your kids over to Hollywood Learning Centers’ while you go out and conquer the world! May God bless your efforts.

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