Infant & Toddler Care
During Worship Services

Infant & Toddler Care

We Have a Well-Equipped Nursery to Care for Your Infants and Toddlers

Until your child is old enough to become part of WaumbaLand (our Sunday children’s ministry), we have a nursery room complete with a changing table, a glider and many toys to keep your child active and interested. Each week, professional childcare personnel staff the nursery for both worship gatherings (9 AM on the patio and 10:15 AM in the sanctuary) so that you can attend worship. You are also welcome to stay in the nursery with your child, as we have speakers in the nursery that pipe in the sound from the worship service. Each week, our custodial staff rigorously clean and sterilize this room so that you can be comfortable with your child playing with anything found there.

Our lobby is also a great place to hang out with children and still see the service.

If you would like to stay with your child but want to both see and hear the worship service, we have designed our lobby space with half walls of glass so that you can fully experience worship without undue worry over a fussy or restless child. We also have a library of children’s books that your child can read or look at during worship. In addition, we have folks who stay in this area, and are always ready to take your child for a few minutes while you take a bathroom break or warm up a bottle. We want you to feel as if you and your family as comfortable as you would at a gathering of your extended family, surrounded by folks who love your child and who are always willing to lend a helping hand.