
Hollywood Learning Centers’ Tips for Parent’s New Year Resolutions

New year, new resolutions! We do this year after year, and the motivation last till’ maybe February, March. I’m no exception! I want to succeed in my business, be the best at everything, have a healthy diet and a bikini body by the summer.

Could our unrealistic, over-achiever resolutions be the problem? Or perhaps we lose interest and motivation as the months pass by? Regardless of the reasons or excuses why resolutions don’t go as planned, we’re going to do things differently this year. Hollywood Learning Center’s moms and dads please join us.

Define Your Goals & Plan How to Get There

We all have goals and plans in the beginning of the year, yet very few know how to get there. Instead of writing our resolutions alone, how about we write how we’ll get there. Try to do it tonight, write them down in two separate lines. For example:

  • Stress Less (Resolution) – Plan:  Don’t write unrealistic resolutions, don’t bring work issues home, find a hobby to devote 2 hours a week, drink wine for dinner, and take weekends off to spend with the family, get in-touch with nature, and find a book to let your mind run wild.
  • Eat Healthier (Resolution) – Plan: Avoid buying high-sugar juices and replace with water & lemon, incorporate more fruits and vegetables to meals, avoid fast food restaurants on the weekday, etc.

Don’t Do It Alone! Find a Resolution Buddy

I don’t recommend doing this alone. Find a resolutions buddy, your better half, a friend, or a coworker. Exchange each other’s resolutions, make sure you write them down, make a copy, so that they can hold you accountable. Choose your buddy wisely. Someone who’s strict, yet not annoying. Someone who cares to see you fulfilling your wildest dreams. Someone who won’t laugh at your goals. I have chosen my good ol’ college friend, Vanessa Thomas. Only because, she is far away and has an exterior perspectives of things and we are in constant communications. She knows me the best and I trust her the most. Who do you have in mind?

Have Fun With Your Resolutions!

Remember the resolutions are for you and the end goals are feelings, not materials, not impressions, not attempts. Experiences leads us to feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories. At the end of the day, we all want to be happy, excited, loved, wanted, or accepted, etc. Hollywood Learning Centers want our parents to be happy, successful, and well-balanced professionals and parents so our little ones can benefit from it. Our children breath the environment we provide for them and we have only a few years to make or break their future. Hollywood Learning Centers wants to work with you to make our children’s childhood unforgettable. Here is to a successful 2017!

For more information about our programs, call us at (954)922-8558.

Happy new year to you and your family!

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