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5 Ways to Be a Happier Stay-At-Home-Parent

The title might sound unbelievable to those parents who wish they were stay-at-home parents, but the reality is, being a stay-home-mom or dad is hard work. We have a few of those dedicated parents at Hollywood Learning Centers and we’ve seen it first hand.

Just imagine…


Waking up early in the morning to make sure everyone is ready for school and work. Making a healthy breakfast so everyone eats before leaving the house, packing a nutritious lunch and taking the children to school. Then imagine coming back home to pick up the mess made during the hectic morning, wash dishes, run errands, juggle between business and laundry or making beds and paying bills.  Before you know it, is time to go to the store to buy groceries and start dinner. Let’s not forget at 3PM we have to pick up the children from school or Hollywood Learning Aftercare, help them with homework, take them  to soccer practice or violin recitals, feed them dinner, attend to the husband…

As a stay-home parent, it is SO easy to get wrapped up in the lives of our children and house chores that we completely lose ourselves in the process. For that reason, we put together a list of 5 simple things you can do to be a HAPPIER stay-at-home parent:

  • Get Ready

Staying at home doesn’t mean we can’t get ready. Make sure to shower and change just as if you were going to work. Do not give up on yourself just because you are a stay-home parent. Dressing up can automatically change your mood.  Show yourself respect and make time to tend to your basic needs daily.

  • Get Organized

When we have everything in its place and somehow of a routine going things are simpler to follow. Minimizing helps stay organized, labeling helps things have its place, color-coding helps differentiate, and encouraging everyone to put things back in its place and stay organized makes it a team effort. As far as a routine goes, we encourage everyone having a family calendar in a place everyone can see it (the kitchen or family room). That way we don’t over book ourselves.

  • Get Your Headphones

I don’t know about you guys, but music can make everything go so much smoother. Imagine waking up the kids with soothing music, cooking to jazz, working out to techno and making your own playlist based on your mood, holidays or occasions. With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music for every moment and the best part you can listen to it on your phone, computer, or tablet.

  • Get a Hobby

Writing workshops, volunteering opportunities, Zumba or support groups are fun. Why not join in on the extracurricular fun? Any kind of outside activity will not only provide your with socialization, but it’ll also give you a chance to distress. There are plenty of events on

  • Get Some Rest…

Taking a break or a nap is not a sign of weakness. When a relative or friend offers taking care of the kids or helping around the house, say “yes!” Hollywood Learning Centers also has a few events for parents to be able to have a date night. Let’s not forget we are totally allowed to hire a babysitter every so often, when in need to for a desperate break. Do not think that by giving yourself a break or accepting support, you are in any way, not doing your job. You job is 24/7; you can take (and need) an occasional break.

We hope this list helps. Remember we will always have chaos and that’s okay, our house, lives, and children don’t have to be perfect. Embrace reality and acknowledge your efforts.

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